May 8, 2015
Hey everyone!
Really fast I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who have been supportive of me thus far, I couldn't have made it to where I am without all you amazing people and you help me to stay motivated to keep going, so thank you!
I've been a missionary for about 2 days now, so I'm basically a pro..hahaha just kidding I'm far from it, but I did get to take off my dork dot so life is good!! The dork dot is the bright orange sticker they put on your name tag the first day so everyone knows that your new, which was lovingly named by Elder Bednar haha. This means that every time you take a step someone is yelling, "Welcome to the MTC, sisters!" It's nice that they're welcoming...but the extra attention isn't missed haha.
The first day of Spanish class was more acting than Spanish. My teacher only speaks spanish, and me and my classmates' Spanish is quite rusty from high school. One of the elders actually only took one year in high school and he failed it. Word for word his teacher told him, "I don't think you'll ever be able to learn Spanish, you should choose another language." Hahaha so obviously the Lord had another plan in mind! Because of this rustiness in all of us, my teacher acts out every word until we guess what she's trying to tell us. We're getting better at it as we remember Spanish and have the help of the Lord, but I still like the acting, it makes class more entertaining!
Speaking of Spanish, we have our first "appointment" with Raymundo tonight and we will be teaching all in Spanish. Hermana Avery told us we would be speaking all in Spanish and the looks of shock on our faces were probably pretty priceless. One of the hermana's says, "But Hermana, nosotros sabemos Espanol poco" (We only know a little Spanish) in nice and broken spangish. Hermana Avery says, "Fe, Hermana, Fe!" (Faith, sister, Faith) hahaha so I'm depending on my faith to get us through this lesson!! We did learn how to pray in Spanish though, and I know the gift of tongues has been a blessing to us already, so it will help us now!
I have 2 companions and there is one other companionship of sisters in our district. We all share a room, so I think that's good that we can be nice and close! Even if it means that we're in a room meant for four sisters...It's good bonding time:) This is the slow time in the MTC before all the graduating high schoolers come in in the summer, so our Zone president didn't have missionaries before us. That means our district and zone are all the same 9 people:) It also means that we all had to take leaderships positions sooner because we don't have zone leaders or a sister training leader. I have been called as the Sister Training Leader (which is like a Zone Leader for elders) and feel very inadequate, but the Lord qualities the called, so I'll work really hard.
That's all for this week, welcome to the journey with me! Love to you all!
Love Hermana Baggett
Left to Right: Hermana Parris going to Carlsbad, California; Hermana Bassett going to Salt Lake City South; Hermana Jamison and Hermana Craig going to Rosario Argentina and me!
PS: I forgot to mention, my companion is going to serve in my home area in Salt Lake City! She's spanish so probably won't serve in our ward, but she'll be there in 6 weeks.
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